Pastor Theo Shimary

Pastor Theo Shimary is a pastor in India that LCC supports. Theo Shimary has been a pastor for 18 years and has ministered and discipled many.
Click here to learn more about him, his work and his testimony.
Theo Shimary And His Family
Theo Shimray and His Family

The Mission

He has been pastoring and planting churches in India for quite some time. Below are images of more recent developments.
These are photos of Pastor Shimray's work in New Delhi, India. He is building a seminary for his students, complete with dorms, living area, etc.

Seminary Work

Funding sent to support Pastor Shimray goes to helping build the seminary, educating students, and living expenses for him and his family. This is the first Seminary graduating class.

How You Can Help

Anyone desiring to support Pastor Shimray directly may simply specifically designate gifts or offerings to LCC accordingly and we will ensure that he receives it.